
exhibitions, projects, funding activities
activities a stimulus for the cultural, social and economic development of the territory

in addition to the showcasing of the cultural assets represented by the zaleski collection, the fondazione tassara actively intervenes in the social and artistic fabric of brescia, both with emblematic projects and with funding provided to organizations, schools and activities in the third sector.

the main project in terms of the investment of resources since the establishing of the foundation has been its involvement as founder partner in the fondazione teatro grande di brescia, together with the more important local public institutions (regional, provincial and municipal authorities, chamber of commerce) and private institutions (ubi, a2a).

since 2010 the fondazione tassara has supported the management of the teatro grande, which has been able to extend its “audience” to not only include lovers of opera and symphony music but also the young, thanks to an extensive programme of dance and concerts open to contemporary musical experiences.

among the over 100 projects supported in recent years by the foundation, in continuity with the philanthropic activities conducted directly by the zaleski family, we will mention:

support for the accademia arte e vita and the teatro delle ali di breno
the relaunch of the usd breno football team, by agreement with the municipal authority of breno
the microcam project supporting weaker members of society or new businesses
participation in the establishing of the fondazione scuola cattolica di valle camonica
support for the fondo ospedali e sanità di valle camonica

the foundation is also one of the main supporters of the territorial fund of valle camonica promoted by the fondazione della comunità bresciana.

within the sphere of the support for education and training, particular attention has also been devoted to projects with a view to the inclusion in schools of children with disabilities, in the spirit of a concrete realization of the christian values of altruism, integration and recognition of the value of every person in their specific difference, in partnership with other local foundations.

fondazione tassara has been a member of assifero since 2010.

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